# 3, 2019

A word to the readers

Вышел из печати очередной, 3-й номер международного информационно-аналитического журнала «Crede Experto: транспорт, общество, образование, язык» (МИАЖ «Crede Experto»).

В 3-ем номере обобщен разнообразный материал, который отражает достаточно широкую палитру исследований по самой разнообразной проблематике.

Примечательно, что номер открывается рубриками «Летательные аппараты, авиационные двигатели и методы их эксплуатации», «Авионика, авиационные электросистемы, пилотажно-навигационные комплексы и методы их эксплуатации», «Системы авиационной радиосвязи, радиолокации, радионавигации и методы их эксплуатации. Системы наблюдения и организации воздушного движения». Знакомство с материалами вышеназванных рубрик позволяет составить достаточно целостное впечатление о разнообразии содержания и направлений работы авторов, исследуемой проблематики, актуальных проблемах и перспективах развития гражданской авиации.

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UDK 351.814.33 BBK 65.37(5Тад)

Knyazhskiy A. Yu.

Plyasovskikh A. P.

Shatrakov N. A.

State of the air transportation industry in Russia and abroad is considered in the article, market trends are identified. Most of the aircraft used in Russia are manufactured abroad. Over the past decades the number of airfields has decreased significantly and the volume of traffic and the number of flights has decreased tenfold. It is proposed to develop regional aviation and modify aviation infrastructure to improve the competitiveness of air transport companies. The cost of tickets can be significantly reduced by laying direct flights between the regions while now flights between many regions can be carried out only through Moscow despite the fact that the passenger traffic is enough for a separate flight.

Keywords: regional aviation, transport, air transportation, infrastructure, air traffic management.

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Aircraft, aircraft engines and methods of their operation

UDK 621.438, 004.855 BBK З363.3, 32.813, 22.18

Novikova S. V.

Kremleva J. Sh.

The article presents a technique of increasing the robustness of a neural-net model of gas-turbine engine monitoring during stand tests due to decreasing the number of insignificant links in the neural network (neural network reduction). The technique is based on converting the problem of neural network learning into that of multi-criteria optimization which includes the error minimization criterion and the criterion of minimizing the absolute values of the weight links of a neural network. The latter requirement leads to reveal of insignificant links which can be deleted without any loss of accuracy. As a result, the ability of the model to summarize increases greatly, robustness increases as well, the calculation error of monitored parameters decreases.

Key words: model robustness, neural networks, stand tests, monitoring of a gas-turbine engine, reduction of a neural network.

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Avionics, aircraft electrical systems, aircraft navigation complexes and methods for their exploitation

UDK 629.7.05 BBK 39.56

Cavvina A. M.

The need for an onboard maintenance system on modern civil airplanes is caused by the increasing number of flights and the reducing parking period.  The operation speed of an onboard maintenance system greatly influences the efficiency of aircraft operation, the time to reveal and eliminate a failure being considerably reduced. The flight safety increases as well. The economic expenditures of airlines for additional ground service vehicles are reduced.

Key words: onboard maintenance system, maintenance, SSJ 100, Superjet.

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UDK 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shomankov D. A.

Potapov I. A.

Korshak S. A.

The article contains some results of the analysis of diagnostic models and techniques for defining the dynamic errors in indications (measurements) of flight altitude and speed parameters caused by lag (delay) of pressure transmission in the lines of the pitot probe systems. Their essential drawbacks are revealed and the ways of their elimination are defined.

Key words: dynamic error, pneumatic circuit, pressure, temperature, delay, aerodynamic correction, delay coefficient.

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Aviation radio communication, radiolocation, radio navigation and methods of their operation

UDK 351.814.33 BBK 39.57-5

Knyazhskiy A. Yu.

Plyasovskikh A. P.

Shcherbakov E. S.

An equipment of functional augmentation automatically dependent surveillance-broadcasting are encouraged to include in the automation systems of surveillance and control of aerodrome traffic and automation systems of air traffic control. This augmentation to the equipment complexes allows estimating the error of the coordinates issued automatically by dependent surveillance – broadcasting and to compensate in case of its slow changing. The information from the satellite radio navigation system is not taken into account in case of a rapid change in the error characteristics which are not allowing for sufficiently accurate compensation.

Keywords: SRNS, ADS-B, error, aircraft movement, air traffic control, automation.

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Literary Criticism

UDK 81-25 BBK 81.8

Verkhovykh I. A.

The article is devoted to the study of ways of forming professionalisms of IT-specialists. The author notes that the process of forming a professional language of IT-specialists is influenced by many factors: the young age of its speakers, the specifics of the profession, the status hierarchy, the general speech practice, etc. The author compares computer jargon with escapade and draws readers’ attention to a large number of compound words, stylistically reduced synonyms of nouns. The article discusses the ways of grammatical adaptation of individual abbreviations, options for the use of English acronyms and full lexical cognates that meet the requirements of brevity and convenience. The author makes a conclusion about the variability of the ways of forming professionalisms in the field of IT-technologies.

Keywords: рrofessional hierarchy, lexical-derivational professional jargon, lexical-semantic professional jargon, escapade, sociolect, expression, euphemism, deverbatives.

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UDK 821.161.1 BBK 83.3

Bezrukov A. N.

Modern literature in the bulk of experiments seeks to achieve a certain harmony between form and content. The meanings of fiction are expanded through copyright strategies. Sergei Dovlatov’s prose is an example of the reduction of meaning in the mode of the auctorial layout of the aesthetic whole.

Key words: auctor, receptive criticism, Sergey Dovlatov, style, meaning, story, aesthetic coordinates.

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Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 85.374.3(3)

Salny R. V.

The article describes the results of a hermeneutic analysis of F. Truffaut’s film “Four Hundred Blows” (1959). The film was a debut of a director where he tells the story of a teenager (Antoine Doinel), reflecting largely the author’s own way of living. Following the logic of V. Dilthey that a work of art as a cultural phenomenon must be achieved, experiencing and understanding it as a kind of “vital whole”, the analysis of the picture was based on immersing students in the sociocultural and historical atmosphere of France from the 1940s – 1950s. A series of questions were developed by A.V. Fedorov and A. Silverblatt for hermeneutic analysis of media texts to penetrate the artistic and semantic dimension of the film. They allowed to find links between historical and cultural subtexts and author’s motives, describe and clarify the behavioral patterns and worldviews of F. Truffaut’s contemporaries and his characters, reveal not only their psychological properties, but also interpret the multidimensional content of the whole artistic meaning of the film.

Keywords: hermeneutic analysis, F. Truffaut, «Four Hundred Blows», cultural context, France 1940s – 1950s, movie.  


*Support and acknowledgement

This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 “School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”, performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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UDK 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Mikhaleva G. V.

The article analyses the problem of educating citizens in matters of interethnic and intercultural tolerance in English-speaking countries. The author examines contemporary foreign theories and approaches to promoting interethnic culture of citizens.

Key words: interethnic tolerance, interethnic culture, media education, English-speaking countries, discrimination.

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UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva  I. V.

The development of inter-ethnic tolerance of students, raising respectful attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups and nationalities, their customs and traditions is an actual problem of modern society, the solution of which largely determines the nature of intercultural communication in modern society. Fostering a culture of interethnic communication in this regard is an important task of modern universities. The article analyzes the problems of cultivating the culture of interethnic communication of students in the media as a factor of inter-ethnic tolerance of an individual from the point of view of identifying the main prospects for media education.

Key words: culture, interethnic communication, interethnic tolerance, students, media education.

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UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva I. V.

The paper presents methodological approaches to the study of the problem of interethnic tolerance of students in Russian and English-language media education of the post-Soviet period. The problem of tolerance, interethnic dialogue, and fostering the culture of interethnic interaction invariably remain in the focus of scientific discourse. Studies of this problem are carried out by philosophers, sociologists, ethnologists, educators, psychologists, culture experts, political scientists. The versatility of research is determined by a great deal of approaches and concepts of models construction with a focus on various aspects of this phenomenon.

Key words: tolerance, interethnic tolerance, media culture, media education.

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UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

Gorbatkovа O. I.

The article provides the activities of teachers in the field of media education during the perestroika period in the USSR. The study allowed us to formulate the specific features of media education: the backlog of theoretical and methodological foundations of domestic media education from the” challenges “of the time, world trends and experience; “incompatibility” of some theoretical provisions with existing in the period of time practical experience of media teachers; the possibility of referring to Western concepts of media education, which are able to expand the boundaries of understanding the media text, its contexts.

Keywords: media pedagogic, media education, theory, specificity, transformation, USSR, the period of “perestroika”.

* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in Russian media education of the period of “perestroika” performed at Rostov State Economic University. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Problems of linguodidactics

UDK 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.1

Trubina Z. I.

Creolized texts are not only a convenient form of information transmission, but also a new way of learning it. Creolized text is a text consisting of two different parts, namely verbal and non-verbal, which cannot exist separately from each other. Due to the involvement of verbal and non-verbal phenomena in the creolized text an additional semantic work is involved as certain background knowledge is used, which students refresh when reading the text.

The paper reviews the use of these texts in the educational process that makes it possible to reduce the level of fatigue in students, to control their attention due to the change of activity. Visual elements in the text enhance the impact and attract attention, as well as create an emotional image of what one reads. The paper underlines the fact that the process of learning the educational material becomes more productive. Students have a sensual image of the studied material, which is directly related to the work of auditory and visual analyzer and thus is especially important in learning foreign languages.

Creolized texts in a foreign language lesson represent a source of lingua-cultural information, as well as a means by which it becomes possible to form the lingua-cultural competence of students. Creolized texts are able to reflect the worldview and values, which represent a socio-cultural aspect of learning a foreign language.

Keywords: creolized text, foreign languages, linguodidactic potential, lingua-cultural competence.

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Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

UDK 378.1; 371.3 BBK 74

Kozyrev N. A.

Kozyreva O. A.

The authors define theoretical opportunities of development and use of exercise machines for welders’ training. The concepts “program and pedagogical support of didactic courses”, “program and didactic support of didactic courses”, “pedagogical conditions for welders’ personified training with the use of an exercise machine ” are defined. Pedagogical conditions for welders’ personified training with the use of an exercise machine are specified. Objective results of professional activity are theorized, practice of use of exercise machines for welders’ training is illustrated, qualitative results of exercise machines use activities for welders’ training are shown.

Keywords: model, program and pedagogical support, exercise machine for welders’ training, pedagogical conditions.

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Nursery school: theory and practice

UDK 376.37 BBK 72ya43

Tretyakov A. L.

The problem of the national citation system in the context of the relationship and interdependence of the pedagogical theory and practice of environmental education for children of preschool age is considered by the author. An analysis of the current state of scientometrics is given. The capabilities of the RSCI for preschool childhood research are described. The possibilities of the RSCI in the objective assessment of the effectiveness of research work on the environmental education of children are presented. The structure of children’s experimentation in the discourse of innovative trends in the development of pedagogical science is noted.

Key words: scientometry, environmental education of children of preschool age, RSCI, interconnection, elements, structure.

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At the Crossroad of Opinions

UDK 351/354 BBK 67.401

Polichka N. P.

The new stage of denationalization and restructuring of the social sphere in Russia involves the introduction of the mechanism of state (municipal) social order. It will require the expert community to develop technologies to solve innovative and rather difficult tasks of state and municipal management. The new stage will also demand the development and application of these technologies in the practical activity of the authorities of the social sphere.

Keywords: social sphere, state (municipal) services, state (municipal) social order.

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Issues of Philosophy

UDK 141.32 BBK 71.1

Egorov A. V.

The article deals with the concept of “care” as an integral element of human life, as a factor of personality formation and development. The author proves that care displaces the feeling of being-fear and death.

Keywords: life, man, being, will, fear, abandonment, care, nothing, something, self-affirmation, dialectic.

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Attention: experience

UDK 796.015.45 BBK 75.1

Muryukina E. V.

The paper is focused on the features of coach work including not only technical and tactical preparation of athletes, but also educational moments. The educational function should be intertwined into work-out sessions. It includes a number of components: the education of indefatigable industry; the education of courage and determination; the education of independence and activity; education of aspiration for tough competitive life, psychological preparation for failures; psychological preparation for the test of fame; psychological preparation of sportsmen for difficulties; psychological preparation for suddenness. Some techniques and methods of training aimed at educating the individual qualities of athletes and their psychological readiness for various situations in workout and competitions are described in the paper.

Key words: work-out session, athlete, techniques, methods, education.

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UDK 7.092 BBK 75.49

Goloborodko A. Ju.

Muryukina E. V.

The paper deals with the aspects of training coaches which includes psychological support of athletes. Psychological readiness for performances is important which refers to the challenges a coach faces. It is important to perform special psychological training of athletes in the pre-competition period including effective preparation for competitions based on: social values; formation of personal mental support; overcoming psychological barriers. It is important for the coach to teach athletes the techniques of psychological defense, including the restoration of the stability control system, reducing the feeling of anxiety and counteracting it.

Key words: coach-teacher, athlete, pre-competition period, psychological defense, competitive stress.

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UDK 02 BBK 78

Churasheva O.L.

The review characterizes the relevance and social significance of such activities of the library of an educational organization as legal education of students. The structure and content of the monograph are analyzed in detail. The program «School centers of  legal information» developed by the author is characterized. The assessment of the scientific level of the monograph, as well as the practical importance of the publication for teachers and specialists in the field of library and information activities are given.

Key words: legal education, a library of an educational organization, school library, monograph.

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