Категория: # 1, 2021

The need of humanitarian knowledge for creative education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_188

Elena A. Kozlova

Abstract. The article examines the features of the modern higher education system in the aspect of the excessive focus of the curriculum on the formation of practical skills of students. Employers need a professional who can immediately take up their duties without long-term training. At the same time, employees with leadership qualities and creative thinking are more appreciated. These qualities are part of the humanitarian knowledge. Only with highly educated and creative specialists is it possible to successfully modernize production, increase the competitiveness and business image of companies. The creative abilities of a person depend on the characteristics of the work of the right and left hemispheres: figurative and logical components, harmoniously combined when analyzing problems. It is the ability of analysis and synthesis that higher education is called upon to develop, this is its mission. The gap between technical and humanitarian knowledge is the reason for the lack of initiative, creativity and ethical responsibility of university graduates. The global reorientation of society towards knowledge that is useful from a material point of view leads the heads of universities, applicants and their parents to an erroneous point of view about guarantees of professional efficiency. The work proves that humanitarian knowledge, more than any other, effectively influences the formation of high-quality logical thinking, creative consciousness, self-awareness, social and professional qualities. The concept of creativity and linguistic creativity is revealed in detail. Humanitarization is considered as a process of saturation of curricula with disciplines of the humanitarian cycle. And also as a system of thoughtful and balanced measures aimed at the priority development of general cultural competencies, presented in the goals and objectives, the content of academic disciplines, learning technologies focused on the comprehensive development and improvement of the human personality, which is central to the structure of social relations. The essence of the humanization of education is the recognition of the spiritual world of a person as the highest value, the raising of ethical questions at the center of educational activities.

Key words: mission of universities, leadership, humanitarization, creativity, social responsibility.

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English for medical students: current stage and development prospects

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_170

Tatiana B. Vepreva

Olga V. Pechinkina

Abstract. The modern world needs competent and mobile medical professionals who can work in a multicultural society in any country of the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the structure and content of the «Foreign language» discipline to contribute to more conscious, active and motivated learning of the subject. The methodology is based on Federal state educational standards, programmes of «Foreign language» discipline for higher educational institutions, and existing literature on the problem. To determine the specific situations of further use of a foreign (English) language, a focus group survey was conducted. The result of the research is the substantiation of the «Foreign language» course structure with the suggested topics and grammatical material distributed in modules. The authors of the study propose a course model consisting of three consecutive modules based on the content and the students’ needs. The proposed model will allow forming the universal competencies necessary for a future doctor and integrating into the professional community without any problems.

Key words: English, medicine, higher school, modular training system, professional development of medical students.

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Mystical motifs in the urban legends of Pavlodar (on the example of the cycle of legends about the city garden)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_149

Gaisha E. Imambayeva

Ilya O.  Prikhodchenko

Abstract. The article deals with the urban legends of Pavlodar associated with one of the key places of the Pavlodar local text – the City Garden of Culture and Recreation, known among the citizens as the City Garden. The study analyzes the role of mystical motifs present in these legends in their pragmatic and historical-cultural aspects.

Keywords: non-fairy prose, urban legend, Pavlodar, local text.

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On phraseological representation of the concept ukhel ‘death’ in the buryat language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_132

Tatiana B. Tagarova

Abstract. The paper considers the concept ukhel ‘death’ verbalized by phraseological units of the Buryat language in the linguoculturological aspect. Differences in understanding of the concept ukhel ‘death’ in the Buryat naive view of the world and the scientific type of consciousness, namely, the belief in the existence of the soul after death in the linguistic view of the world and its denial in the scientific world-image are revealed. The existence of phraseological units with the meaning of death demonstrates the connection with the ancient ritual actions for the burial of the deceased, which is confirmed in the Mongolian literary work “The Secret History of the Mongols” in 1240. The naive view of the world of Buryat speakers-Buddhists through phraseological units reflects the understanding of death as a transition to another level of life, in a new physical body, but the subsequent life depends on the previous way of life. The worldview of shamanists is also reduced to the belief in an afterlife, but in the existence of a disembodied spirit. Phraseological meaning is developed by metonymization and metaphorization from the original free phrase. At the same time, a more significant role of the denotation is noted. A bright functional and stylistic differentiation of the phraseological unit about death is revealed. The semantic field ukhel ‘death’ demonstrates the breadth of the functions of this lexeme.

Keywords: Buryat language, the concept ‘death’, linguoculturology, phraseological unit, linguistic view of the world, scientific world-image, shamanistic, Buddhism.

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Affixation as a type of term formation based on components Dialekt/Mundart

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_118

Inna V. Senina

Svetlana Y. Pozdnyakova

Abstract. The article deals with the main types of affixation as one of the leading mechanisms of term formation based on the components Dialekt / Mundart, which are the basic concepts of German dialectology. The main attention is paid to the identification of productive affixes, on the basis of which terms are able to form new terminological nests. The predominant use of affixes of Greek-Latin origin, as well as affixes of borrowed nouns and adjectives, allows to indicate the tendency for the further consolidation of the borrowed term Dialekt as the most commonly used.

Keywords: affixation, derivation, term, term formation, terminological nest, dialect, dialectology.

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Francien dialect and scripta: contours of the francien scriptural zone

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_97

Lydia A. Stanovaïa

Abstract. The franciеn scriptural zone includes the scripta of Paris, Orléanais, Soissons, Senlis and Compiègne. The scripta of Burgundy constitute particular scripta. The status of scripta of Berry and Turraine requires a specialized study. The francien scriptural zone, medieval, corresponds in broad lines, but not totally, to the dialectal zone, current. The territory of the francien scriptural and dialectal zones does not correspond to that of the current Region of Île-de-France.

Keywords: history of the French language, historical dialectology, scriptology, dialect, scriptа.

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Emotional aspect in the nominations of the notion of «Heimat» (based on artistic discourse of russian germans)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_82

Mariya A. Saltymakova

Abstract. The article characterizes Russian Germans, their language, culture and mentality within the framework of contact linguistics, reveals the essence of the definition of «discourse community» in general, as well as «discourse community of Russian Germans» in particular. Considering that the present research is carried out on the material of the artistic discourse of Russian Germans, the article gives a brief definition of the notions of «discourse» and «artistic discourse». The work was carried out within the framework of the study of the nominative theory, therefore, it reveals the essence of the notions of «nomination» and «secondary nomination», by means of which the emotional component in the nominations of the notion of «Heimat» realizes.

The practical part of the work studies the emotionally colored nominations of the notion of «Heimat» in the artistic discourse of Russian Germans. A comparative-contrastive analysis of the dictionary definitions of the lexemes «emotion» and «Emotion» is carried out, the key components of the notion of «emotion» in Russian and German languages are revealed. Further, a component analysis of the surroundings of the lexeme «Heimat» is carried out both at the verbal and non-verbal levels, as well as from the standpoint of lexical, stylistic and grammatical analysis.

Keywords: contact linguistics, Russian Germans, nomination, homeland, Heimat, emotion, Emotion.

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Female types of german laughter linguocultural: nomination of women in jokes

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_69

Raisa I. Babaeva

Anna S. Iatsenko

Abstract. The issues considered in the article are interconnected with the problem of gender relations in the modern German-speaking world. The article describes the most common ways of nominating female characters in modern German-language jokes, on the basis of the identified feminitives, five main feminine types are distinguished, characteristic of the German-language laughing folk linguistic culture: linguocultural types correlated with proper names; linguocultural types correlated with real people, linguocultural types correlated with professions and occupation; linguocultural types correlated with kinship and social relations; linguocultural types correlated with appearance of a woman. The theoretical basis for the analysis of the material was the theory of linguocultural types, developed in domestic linguistics, the theory of discourse analysis, theoretical provisions developed in the framework of the study of humorous discourse, the position of gender linguistics. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that the identified types are a significant part of the German-speaking laughable folk linguistic culture, the negative qualities of feminine characters, played in a certain way, constitute the pointe of the anecdote, while the positive qualities of female characters manifested in the joke create only a context against which realized pointe.

Key words: humorous discourse, German, joke, feminitive, cultural linguistic type, proper name.

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Intercategorial interaction in researches of verbal communication

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_55

Olga A. Kostrova

Abstract. Interdisciplinary approach is a basic research method of contemporary human sciences. Abroad, they reveal intralingual categorial interaction as well as interlingual interference and personal identification. In the last studies of Russian linguists, there are methods, principles and technologies of categorial transfer revealed. In cognitive linguistics, the problem of new definition of language and their functions is discussed. In this paper, the author continues the study of categorial interaction that was started in her previous work. Now, the study is devoted to analysis of verbal communication in monographs by domestic and foreign linguists. The author proceeds from the methodological principle of system holism that defines language type and cultural system based on context relation. In her analyses, the author uses the method of interpretation to explain the terminology and language units. She has revealed some specific features of categorial interaction in everyday, political and textual communication. Also, she has confirmed the thesis by Edward Hall about the fundamental meaning of the cultural context that defines language functioning. She precises the value of language system in verbal communication.

The research opens the perspectives for further studies which can generalize the interdisciplinary methods of linguistic analyses. These methods are high demand in a lot of spheres: by supervision of research, by expert supervision of theses and scientific papers as well as by participating on scientific symposiums and preparing the papers for publication.

Key words: categorial interaction, language system, cultural concepts, verbal communication, everyday communication, political speech, text

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Methodology and algorithm of identifying aerobatic maneuvres in software implementation of assessment of piloting technique quality

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_44

Pavel S. Nazarov

Sergey A. Kudriakov

Vladimir V. Ustinov

Abstract. The authors propose an algorithm of identifying maneuvers and characteristic points on their flightpaths for software implementation of algorithms for assessing the flight crew’s proficiency level according to information of flight data recorders and processing of the recorded information of flight parameters by ground-based devices for processing flight information such as Topaz-M.  

Key words: programs of flight training, image recognition, software implementations of algorithms for assessing piloting technique.

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