Категория: Education Management

Education quality control within secondary vocational education: from theory to practice (by work experience of GBPOU IO IKATIDS)

UDC 37:21 BBK 74.81,6(2)2,0

Kryzhanovskaya E. S.

The article looks at quality control within secondary vocational education (SVE). It considers the system of total quality control with the example of a modern college of the Irkutsk Region. The article elaborates the final quality characteristics, conceptual basis, principles, and so on of quality management in education. The author describes the different levels of quality control: Management by targets, process, and final result.

Key words: secondary vocational education; SVE; management; education quality; theory; quality assessment; principles; management by targets; management by process; management by results.

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To the matter of the nature of conflict competence of the head of an educational institution as a part of moral and legal culture

UDC 371.11 BBK 74.24

Musinov P. A.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of “conflict competence” of the head. The concept and the essence of the category under consideration are formulated based on the analysis of the works of leading Russian researchers. The author comes to the conclusion that conflict competence is an essential aspect of professional and self-education of the head of an educational institution. Constructive, learner-centered nature of managerial and pedagogical interaction is provided due to the conflict-competent training, as well as general, moral and legal cultures of the head of an educational institution are improved.

Keywords: conflict competence, moral and legal culture, the head, educational institution, constructive character, managerial and pedagogical interaction, conflict.

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Motivation of personal and professional teacher’s self-development as a resource of implementation of general education FSCS

UDC 371.1 BBK 74.2

Kirdiankina S. V.

The implementation of Federal State Educational Standards into the system of general education is a key event of the 21st century. Obviously, the question of peopleware resource becomes especially actual. Until a teacher perceptibly changes, nothing essential will change in Russian education (in its educational results).

In the current article the question arises about the significance of teacher’s self-development in personal and professional aspects. An attempt was made to analyse problems of motivation of self-development of a teacher and methodological summarizing of accumulated experience in the light of meeting requirements FSES of general education.

Key words: FSES, self-development, motivation, management, reject, subjectiveness, scientific-methodological support, anthropogenesis, formgenesis, normgenesis, autopsychological competence, human ability

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