Zhambalova Emiliya Choyzhalsanovna

e-mail: altana06@mail.ru

Place of study: Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, Ulan-Ude, Russia

Status: 1st year postgraduate student

Place of work: Aginsky Institute of Advanced Training of Social Workers of Zabaykalsky Krai, Aginskoye, Russia

Post: vice-rector for scientific and methodological work

Important publications:

  1. Zhambalova, E.Ch. “Event” as the subject of psychological and pedagogical analysis // Eventfulness in the new model of state and public administration of education: a collection of articles. Chita, 2015. P. 11-14.
  2. Zhambalova, E.Ch. To the problem of the development of professional competencies of a teacher in the context of the introduction of the national teacher growth system // Bulletin of education of Zabaykalsky krai: information and analytical journal of the Ministry of education, science and youth policy of Zabaykalsky krai. 2018. №2.P. 87-89.
  3. Zhambalova, E. Ch. Metasubject Olympiad for teachers as an effective method to develop and assess professional competencies // Bulletin of education of Zabaykalsky krai: information and analytical journal of the Ministry of education, science and youth policy of Zabaykalsky krai. 2019. №2. P. 54-56.