# 3, 2018
A word to the readers
Главный редактор МИАЖ «Crede Experto», Л. А. Иванова
Уважаемые читатели и авторы публикаций, позвольте мне от имени редколлегии и читателей международного информационно-аналитического журнала «Crede Experto: транспорт, общество, образование, язык» открыть третий номер и поздравить Вас с наступлением нового учебного года.
Третий номер приурочен к 100-летию со дня рождения доктора педагогических наук, профессора Александра Ивановича Дулова, основателя и бессменного руководителя Восточно-сибирской лаборатории проблем нравственного воспитания при научно-исследовательском институте общих проблем воспитания АПН РСФСР. Журнал рассказывает о жизненном пути известного сибирского ученого, его профессиональной деятельности, знакомит со списком научных трудов исследователя и воспоминаниями о нем коллег, учеников.
Александр Иванович известен как замечательный руководитель, педагог и воспитатель молодых ученых. Неоценим его труд в обеспечении высокого уровня преподавания дисциплин педагогического цикла в университете. А.И. Дулов оказал большое влияние на педагогов, продолживших разработку его идей и методов исследования. Благодаря его научной деятельности в Восточной-Сибири были созданы научные школы мирового уровня.
Высокие человеческие качества А.И. Дулова – его принципиальность, простота, отзывчивость, доброе отношение к окружающим – снискали ему искреннюю любовь и глубокое уважение всех, кто с ним общался.
В настоящий номер журнала, посвященный памяти выдающегося сибирского учёного, педагога, вошли статьи известных ученых, исследователей, педагогов, учеников, последователей А.И. Дулова. Тематика опубликованных статей преимущественно касается проблем школьной и вузовской педагогики. Структура номера отражает разнообразие исследовательских интересов авторов.
Пользуясь случаем приношу глубокую благодарность всем, кто в той или иной форме способствовал появлению этого номера, посвященного 100-летию А.И. Дулова. Это Амосова Ольга Викторовна, Адольф Владимир Александрович, Богданова Ольга Самойловна, Белобородова Алла Евгеньевна, Барбашова Людмила Юрьевна, Васкина Елена Анатольевна, Жуков Константин Сергеевич, Коноплев Николай Сергеевич, Корнилова Светлана Анатольевна, Манжиевская Вера Владимировна, Савченко Ирина Валериевна, Миндеева Светлана Вильсуровна, Мурзин Андрей Андреевич, Нурпиисова Екатерина Михайловна, Попова Эльмира Ибрагимовна, Самойличенко Наталья Владимировна, Стефановская Татьяна Александровна, Фуряева Татьяна Васильевна и многие другие.
Открывает номер статья доктора педагогических наук Аллы Евгеньевны Белобородовой.
History: Golden pages
A teacher is a person who inspires everything in your life…
To the centenary of scientist-and-educator’s birth
UDC 37.022 BBK 74.03(2)
The 1 of September 2018 is a centenary of the birth of Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, a well-known Siberian scientist, educator and citizen. The author of this article regards on the basic periods of his scientific-pedagogical activity directed to the integration of a science with its practical use. His scientific researches in the field of students’ moral upbringing, technology of school supervision, theory and methods of teaching pedagogics are still actual. Different generations of scientists develop his ideas.
Кeywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, pedagogical heritage, scientist, educator, teacher, pedagogical experience, creative endeavour, pedagogical exellence, scientific quest.
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A. I. Dulov’s pedagogics in the light of our time realities
Philosophical reportage (2001)
UDC 371.485 BBK 74.03(2)
This text, created during the life of the outstanding Soviet pedagogue A. I. Dulov, concerns the innovations, which the hard-working educator of the younger generation developed in his broad and vivid scientific and practical activities. Over the years it has become obvious that the scientific component of the large-scale phenomenon of A.I. Dulov was aimed at determining the milestones of the transition from a brining-up- educational, i. e, actually pedagogical process to an educational one as the most important condition of a personal, i.e., creatively oriented , self-realization of a modern young man. The spiritual heritage of the veteran of the national science about the emerging new man is waiting for its further development.
Keywords: A.I. Dulov, Soviet pedagogy, a new man, A.I. Dulov’s scientific school, youth culture, engineer of children’s souls, fundamental research program, innovator, education, scientific philosophy, patriotism.
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UDC 371.485 BBK 74.03(2)
The article is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the founder and the head of the East Siberian Laboratory of Problems of Moral Education at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. I. Dulov. The centenary of the prominent Soviet, Russian scientist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor A.I. Dulov is an important milestone in the development of pedagogical theory and practice. This anniversary allows you to look back and see the grandiose accomplishments in the development of the national pedagogical science that laid the foundations of modern education in Russia.
Key words: A.I. Dulov, founder, Teacher, scientist, moral education, scientific works.
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Does the heart forget it?
(the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Ivanovich Dulov)
UDC 929 BBK 74.03
Russian pedagogical science is famous not only for outstanding scientists, teachers-researchers, teachers-practitioners of Moscow and St. Petersburg who are really spectacular and their names are recognized all over the world. Siberia also gave a lot of talented teachers, researchers, scientists, whose creative contribution is significant. One of them is Alexander Ivanovich Dulov, Siberian scientist, remarkable teacher and educator. He was the founder and the permanent director (for over 25 years) of the East Siberian Laboratory of Moral Education problems of the Research Institute of General problems of education of APS of the USSR. The article is devoted to his memory. For his colleagues and students, he remained an absolutely extraordinary Scientist, Teacher, talented propagandist of pedagogical theory and practice, wise mentor, inspired and bright leader of the «School of the Young Scientist».
Keywords: teacher, scientist, mentor, scientific interests, traditions, memory, School of the young scientist, Alexander Ivanovich Dulov.
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UDC 378:37.016 BBK 81432.1
The article is devoted to the role of A.I. Dulov, great educator-scientist who contributed a lot in studying the issues of morality and the development of pedagogical science in general.
Keywords: moral education, morality, spirit.
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УДК 37.022 ББК 74.03(2)
The basic scientific researches and scientific-pedagogical activity of a well-known scientist and talented educator form Irkutsk professor A. I. Dulov are analyzed in this article. Alexander Ivanovich’s wide ranged activity is focused on by the author.
Keywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, books, pedagogics, series of lectures, logic-structural course, school supervision, scientific-pedagogical school.
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UDC 929 BBK 74.03
The article-memoirs concerns the biographical data, content and cooperative pedagogical activity of the author and the famous scientist, the head of the Siberian pedagogical school from 1974 to 1977 A.I. Dulov.
Кeywords: meeting, cooperation, Krasnoyarsk State University, the interconnection of science and practice, networking, moral education, ideas and experience of the past.
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Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education
UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с
This article deals with hermeneutic analysis of thrillers of English-speaking countries on the topic of schools and universities. It analyzes the structure and methods of narrative, books, articles, reviews of Russian and foreign film authors in the historical, ideological and socio-cultural context. In the process of hermeneutical analysis of thrillers of English-speaking countries, the author concludes that the content of films is not directly related to the main political events, however, it is impossible to deny the reflection of socio-cultural, economic, educational problems. Modeling of cinematographic images of teachers and schoolchildren/students has undergone significant modification depending on the specific historical stage. There is an expressive contrast in the conceptual base of thrillers in the different decades. In the 1970s – 1980s most of the thrillers about school and student’s life included the violence, cruelty, inhumanity, sexual attraction. In the following decades, these areas do not lose relevance, but rather acquire new colors. The thrillers about schoolchildren and students are devoid of intellectual discussions, they are immersed in a love theme, sexual relations and intrigues, closely intertwined with criminal & immoral behavior. At the same time, it can be noted that in general, the energy of students is mainly directed, on the one hand, to entertainment, recreation, romantic relationships and sex, and on the other, to physical and psychological violence, bloody crimes, brutal murders and massacres, etc. The educational process in these media texts plays a secondary role.
Key words: hermeneutic analysis, cinema, film, USA, UK, media text, teacher, students.
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* Исследование выполнено за счёт финансовых средств гранта Российского научного фонда (РНФ, проект № 17-18-01001) в Ростовском государственном экономическом университете. Тема проекта: «Школа и вуз в зеркале советских, российских и западных аудиовизуальных медиатекстов». Руководитель проекта А. В. Федоров.
UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с
Chelysheva I. V., Yunovidov G. Yu.
The article deals with theoretical problems of ecological education of modern youth with the use of media education components. The authors present the analysis of integration media education the main directions of environmental education. upbringing and development of the ecological culture of the individual on the basis of the works of media culture. The integration of environmental education on the material of media culture into the teaching and educational process is presented.
Keywords: media, media culture, media education, ecological education, youth.
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UDC 373.2 BBK 74.100
The article makes an attempt to actualize the issues of formation of information competence of students of the 10th-11th grades of general education organizations in the process of digitalization of society and including them. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of informational competence of students of 10-11 classes are noted. Reflected specificity of information competence as a socio-cultural and educational phenomenon. Particular attention is paid to the role of the program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» in the formation of the information competence of modern high school students.
Keywords: information competence, students 10-11 grades, digitalization of society, features, formation, potential.
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Problems of linguodidactics
UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.268.1
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
The article is devoted to the study of the urgent problem concerning foreign language education in the conditions of development of intercultural relations, intercultural communication, cooperation. It shows the vital need for new approaches to the training of future foreign language teachers in connection with the rapid processes of globalization, informational support, technologization, intercultural communication. Long-term theoretical and empirical research of the author, confirmed by the figures and data of surveys and professional observations allowed to conclude that there is a need to change the system of training of foreign language teachers to meet the new challenges of education, to make this system not subject-oriented, but professional as well as cultural-oriented.
Keywords: foreign language education, language, intercultural communication, foreign language teacher, linguodidactic discourse, metasubject results, subject results.
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UDC 372:[881.1] BBK 81.2:9
The article deals with the issues of speaking teaching of the pupils in the 9th form of the comprehensive school in Italian. The linguistic and extralinguistic features of the teaching of Italian language to the senior schoolchildren are described and their classification is compiled as well. The analysis of grammatical discrepancies between Russian and Italian languages is carried out.
Key words: Italian language, speaking teaching, linguistic features, extralinguistic features, senior school.
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UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.1Англ
The phenomenon of a «socialization of a language» is described on the basis on the phylogenesis [phylon + genetikos. Greek]. The authors of this article regard the category of a language in the connection of the following notions: a social phenomenon, an individual personal co-knowledge, foreign culture, basic language functions.
The peculiarity of marking the fragmented reality using verbal and nonverbal means is defined by cultural / social / political differences between nations, population, communities and so on. It is a cluster of a universal and individual experience.
The typology of interaction between a native and foreign languages in the process of communication is presented in the article. This typology can be used to create technologies to teach students using different English Grammar phenomena.
The practical part is based on some psychological traits, defining the mental peculiarity of contemporary teens. Their perception of the environment and the ability to analyse the information is marked by a special term «a clip thinking».
The theoretical aspect of the article is the basis to teach students to understand the peculiarity of marking fragmented reality using the following Grammar Tenses: Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous and further using these Grammar means in foreign communication.
Keywords: «socialization of a language», «basic language functions», «foreign culture», «second / once again cognition of a reality», «typology of interaction between languages», «clip thinking», «fragmentation».
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UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.47
The article describes the experience of using the resources of brititshcouncil website for training college students reading skills. Various tasks are presented for more objective control of the reading skills in addition to the proposed tasks on the site. The tasks are accompanied by the developed criteria for their evaluation.
Кeywords: types of reading, forms of control, assignments for the development of reading skills, criteria for assessing the completed tasks.
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Communication processes in professional activity
UDC 651.51 BBK 74.58
The article presents the results of studies of communication problems in professional activity and training specialists for it by the staff of the East Siberian Center of problems of pedagogical science and education. Considering scientific approaches to the research, essential characteristics of communication in professional activity, the author defines business and professional communication as well as communicative competence.
Keywords: scientific approaches; business communication; professional communication; communicative competence.
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UDC 37 BBK 74.202.5
The article analyzes the impact of the Internet on the student’s communicative competence. It is emphasized that communicative competence becomes the main one in the modern information society, its variable component composition is considered.
Keywords: Internet, world network, communicative competence of the student, variable component structure, thinking, knowledge, communication.
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Actual issues of vocational pedagogy
UDC 378.14.015.62 BBK 74.58
The article suggests a variant of constructing the horizons and boundaries of modern education by means of the identification of social and pedagogical problems associated with the implementation of the competence approach. It defines the role of education in the professional socialization of young people. It is proposed to accept interdisciplinary – convergent learning based on the implementation of a subject-oriented approach. It is based on the idea of clarifying the professional tasks arising from the characteristics of the graduates’ professional activities in accordance with Higher Education Federal State Educational Standards through the content of labor activities and functions. The authors suggest the presented option makes it possible to carry out a substantive concretization of the theoretical-methodological, psychological-pedagogical, practical, socio-cultural training of students during learning the appropriate programs.
Key words: education, training, competence, readiness for professional activity, professional socialization of the youth.
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UDC 378.18 BBK 74.58
The article refers to the effective forms of educational work at a technical institution. The author sought to understand Aleksandr Ivanovich Dulov’s pedagogical views directed on the analysis of pedagogical and methodical efforts containing educational and moral aspects.
Key words: Aleksandr Ivanovich Dulov, educational work at a higher educational institution, students’ free time, work on professional orientation, patriotic work.
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Humanitarian teaching problems
UDC 37.022 BBK 74.03(2)
The article refers to the efficiency of methodological and methodical approaches developed by the Soviet pedagogical science, and in particular, the pedagogical experience of Aleksandr Ivanovich Dulov. The undoubted importance of A.I. Dulov’s theoretical and practical studies is in applying the structural method of presentation, on the example of pedagogics course, directed on the formation of a student’s competence and professionalism. The patterns of recommended sequence of activities developed by B. C. Badmaev are of interest.
Key words: Aleksandr Ivanovich Dulov, patterns in teaching of pedagogics, patterns of recommended sequence of activities in teaching of philosophy, students’ speaking activity.
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Attention: experience
UDC 377 BBK 74.560
In the article the author shares his experience of the practical training in the specialty 21.02.05 Land and Property Relations in the «Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction» (SBPEI «ICAT and RC»).
The author convincingly proves that all types of practice are the most important component in the system of secondary vocational education.
Keywords: professional education, practical training, SBPEI «ICAT and RC», FSES, professional unit, professional competence, shared competence, academic training, job training, pre-diploma practice.
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UDC 378.147 BBK 74.48
Pulyaevskaya A. M., Akopyan S. A.
The article considers the forms of electronic publications application for the organization of students’ self-study with texts. An overview of simple and accessible tools for creating books is offered.
Keywords: ebook; reading; Internet services; information technologies; children’s creative activity.
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Sociological research
UDC 316.346.32-053.6 BBK 60.5
The article is presented the results of the research devoted to the study of senior high school students’ free time, its volume, content and structure.
Keywords: free time, young people, senior high school students, main forms of using free time, reading, internet, chat with friends.
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