Stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev

Дондог Улзытуевай шүлэгүүд соохи зэргэсүүлгэнүүдэй найруулга тухай

UDC 894.23(092) BBK 83.3Бу-8

Tagarova T. B.

The article describes the stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev enhancing artistic expressiveness of the poems. Comparisons help to build images, inspired by a picture of the world of the poet-singer of the steppe Motherland, love for mother, women, nature. Comparisons are formed by repetition, parallelism, etc., to create a particularly bright, convex pictures of nature, at the same time expressing philosophical views of the author, distinguished by a deep psychologism and lyricism.

Key words: stylistics; comparison; reference; trope; detailed; simple; repetition; parallelism; philosophy; psychology; love; nature; mother; sea; artistic; image; original; traditional.

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