Hermeneuticalysis of thrillers of English-speaking countries on the topic of schools and universities*

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Gorbatkova O. I.

This article deals with hermeneutic analysis of thrillers of English-speaking countries on the topic of schools and universities. It analyzes the structure and methods of narrative, books, articles, reviews of Russian and foreign film authors in the historical, ideological and socio-cultural context. In the process of hermeneutical analysis of thrillers of English-speaking countries, the author concludes that the content of films is not directly related to the main political events, however, it is impossible to deny the reflection of socio-cultural, economic, educational problems. Modeling of cinematographic images of teachers and schoolchildren/students has undergone significant modification depending on the specific historical stage. There is an expressive contrast in the conceptual base of thrillers in the different decades. In the 1970s – 1980s most of the thrillers about school and student’s life included the violence, cruelty, inhumanity, sexual attraction. In the following decades, these areas do not lose relevance, but rather acquire new colors. The thrillers about schoolchildren and students are devoid of intellectual discussions, they are immersed in a love theme, sexual relations and intrigues, closely intertwined with criminal & immoral behavior. At the same time, it can be noted that in general, the energy of students is mainly directed, on the one hand, to entertainment, recreation, romantic relationships and sex, and on the other, to physical and psychological violence, bloody crimes, brutal murders and massacres, etc. The educational process in these media texts plays a secondary role.

Key words: hermeneutic analysis, cinema, film, USA, UK, media text, teacher, students.

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* Исследование выполнено за счёт финансовых средств гранта Российского научного фонда (РНФ, проект № 17-18-01001) в Ростовском государственном экономическом университете. Тема проекта: «Школа и вуз в зеркале советских, российских и западных аудиовизуальных медиатекстов». Руководитель проекта А. В. Федоров.