The hermeneutical analysis of specific soviet audiovisual media texts about a school and a higher education institution at media educational Classes

UDK 791.43 BBK 85.373(2)

Katrich  (Shahanskaya) A.J.

In this article using the cinema “Balamut” (“Troublemaker”) (1978) as an example is made the hermeneutical analysis of the specific Soviet audiovisual media text about a school and a higher education institution at media educational classes. The author adhered to the hermeneutical analysis methodology of the media texts developed by A. Silverblet [Silverblatt, 2001] and U. Eko [Eko, 2005], with the support of media education key concepts. Examples of creative tasks for realization in student’s audience are also given.

Keywords: media education, hermeneutical analysis, cinema, USSR, feature film, school, higher education institution, students.

* This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project № 17-18-01001 «School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts», performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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