Some experience in work on specialist education in SBPEI “IUDC rkutsk aviation technical school”

UDC 37.018.2 BBK 74.570

Mineeva L. M., Rinchino V. A., Bykova S. N., Zadorozhny V. K.

In the article the authors share experience in work on education of college graduate – specialist. The activities in this field are multidimensional. They are both considered educational policy and effective educative affairs. In “Irkutsk aviation technical school” (IATS) the concepts ‘training’ and ‘education’ have never been separated. At all times, the teachers have been doing the best to graduate not only perfect specialists but first the people able to reason, take a decision, feel and do good.

Key words: education, training, professional education, educational policy, students, professional activities, diagnostics.

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