The problem of valued attitude to pedagogical activity in works by N. A. Dobroliubov

UDC 37:[011.31] BBK 74.03

Muraeva O. G.

This article is devoted to the description of the views of N. A. Dobrolubov, the prominent representative of the social and pedagogical movement of Russia of the second half of XIX century, on the topical problem of valued attitude to the pedagogical activity. In this regard the definitions of “valued attitude to pedagogical activity” and “social and pedagogical movement of Russia in the second half of the XIX century” are given, Dobrolubov’s opinion to the conditions necessary for forming of valued attitude to pedagogical activity is studied.

Keywords: valued attitude to pedagogical activity; social and pedagogical movement of Russia; the social significance of pedagogical work; legal and financial situation; pedagogical bent; personal sense of pedagogical activity.

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