Категория: 13.00.00 — Pedagogical Sciences

Law enforcement officers’ social and humanitarian support in the period of their professional and personal development

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_171

Larisa Yu. Nezhkina

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the idea of law enforcement officers’ social and humanitarian support during their professional and personal development. The professional development of an officer’s personality begins in the period of his/her training in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and is an important part of life because during this period he/she gains the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities which will practically influence the result of his/her activities. It is important to note that during that period significant business and personal qualities are formed as well as moral guidelines that show the person’s attitude to work and people, and therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the formation of business, personal and moral qualities during the officer’s professional and personal development. In this regard, the idea of social and humanitarian support for officers is proposed. An officer’s social and humanitarian support during the training period is understood as creating conditions for the development of a conscious understanding of the profession and his/her role in it, formation of the best human qualities, motivation for self-education and self-study. Such conditions imply a dialogue interaction between the teacher and the student, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support. The author outlines the main essence of social and humanitarian support and possible ways of its implementation. At the end of the paper, the importance of the implementation of social and humanitarian support in the period of officers’ professional and personal development is emphasized. The practical significance lies in the fact that the implementation of officers’ social and humanitarian support during the training period in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will make it possible to qualitatively change the educational environment, create conditions for the development of spiritual and moral maturity, the existential orientation of the individual to self-actualization, professional and personal development.

Key words: personal development, profession, formation, education, support, officer, humanistic approach.

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Innovations in the system of higher technical education in Russia at the present time

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_144

Olga V. Toporkova

Abstract. The article deals with innovations in the domestic system of higher technical education in the first decades of the 21st century. The advantages and disadvantages of the country’s participation in the Bologna Agreement for higher technical education are analyzed, new mechanisms for implementing the personalization of student learning used at Russian technical universities, including individual educational trajectories, using foreign languages when teaching students, project activities, etc. are considered. The article analyzes the features of the implementation of competence-based approach in the domestic practice of higher technical education at the present time, the importance of using a transdisciplinary approach in designing the content of educational programs as well as the need to use active teaching methods for prospective engineers and student-centered learning models are emphasized. The article considers the use of digital technologies in the training of professionals in the field of engineering and technology in our country, the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization of engineering education. The difficulties associated with the introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies are introduced.

Key words: innovations, higher technical education, Bologna process, personalization of student learning, individual educational trajectories, digital learning technologies, project-based learning, competence-based approach.

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Legislative regulation of educational work with young people in the higher educational organization

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_198

Alexandra S. Seredkina

Abstract. In the article, the author examines the Russian federal regulatory framework regulating the state policy of youth movements, mechanisms for organizing and implementing educational work with young people in educational institutions of higher education, as well as legislative support for the implementation of intellectual education in higher education. The author’s view of the Russian legislation in the field of youth policy and higher education is presented, taking into account the possibilities of the digital educational environment and the need for pedagogical support of talented youth. The article analyzes the legal regulation in the higher education system of such a phenomenon as talented youth. Attention is focused on the need to implement procedures for the formation and development of intellectual education of pedagogical Institute students’ personality. The prerequisites for the integration of the process of intellectual education of students of higher educational institutions into the digital educational environment are formulated. The paper is devoted to the content analysis of the challenges associated with the state order for the education of a fundamentally new generation and the introduction of large-scale digitalization in the Russian education system. The prerequisites for the potential of the digital educational environment in relation to new educational conditions are outlined. The paper concludes that modern processes of personality education require some adjustments of the teacher’s competencies and the formation of intellectual education of students of higher education.

Key words: youth, pedagogical support, educational work, intellectual education, higher school, educational activities, modern educational technologies.

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The content of language education: from the traditional to the humanistic paradigm

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_182

Elena M. Kazantseva

Abstract. The article reveals the understanding of the concept of paradigm in the context of the consideration of language education, describes the main paradigms of modern education (including language education): knowledge, competence, humanistic. Within each paradigm, the main changes in the content of language education are presented, taking into account the essence of a particular paradigm. The process of paradigm shift and the reasons for such changes are described. The polyparadigmatism of modern pedagogical science is proved. The factors influencing the necessity of coexistence of different paradigms of modern language education are revealed.

Keywords: the content of education, the content of language education, the paradigm of education, the paradigm of language education, polyparadigmality.

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Theoretical articles of the film critic I.V. Weisfeld (1909-2003) in the Art of cinema magazine

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_182

Olga I. Gorbatkova

Abstract. The paper analyzes the evolution of theoretical film studies concepts of the famous film scholar I.V. Weisfeld (1909-2003) in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003).

The objective of the study is to perform a comprehensive content analysis of the evolution of I.V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003) in the context of the transformation of historical and socio-cultural space.

Based on the content analysis of the discourse of film studies formations concentrated in I.V. Weisfeld’s theoretical articles in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003), the following was revealed:

  • V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts were largely confined to the study of problematization vectors of film studies, namely, they concerned a detailed deconstruction of film construction issues, plot and structural image, the style movement of the artist, and a hero’s character;
  • most of his theoretical articles were written in line with the ideological and political dogmas of a particular historical period. The texts of the film scholar’s theoretical articles clearly reflected the ideology of the ruling Communist Party, with frequent quotations of the works of K. Marx, V. Lenin and I. Stalin, as well as the resolutions of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party;
  • a number of articles contained a sharp criticism of “bourgeois concepts” of Western cinema, defended the values of the ideological and moral content of Soviet cinema as well as the unity of the ideological and professional approach in film studies;
  • a significant portion of I.V. Weisfeld’s articles was devoted to the cinematic legacy of famous Soviet filmmakers: S. Eisenstein, D. Vertov, V. Pudovkin, N. Zarkhi, and N. Lebedev in close correlation with criticism and outlining the merits of their work and the development of film studies as a science;
  • A significant segment of the author’s conceptual views concerned the problems of integrating film into the educational process of schools and universities;
  • The author’s theoretical articles are written at a high professional level (using cinematic terminology), not deprived of expressive artistic imagery; presented theoretical concepts are supported by a clear logic of presentation and coherent arguments based on primary sources;
  • The author’s position and attitude towards the subject of research are clearly traceable in the general content and generalizing conclusions; structurally, his articles are usually in a scientific style, have a clear structure and a significant volume;
  • V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts are presented in a correlative relationship and determination of the transformation processes of the political and socio-cultural segment in the context of historical stages.

Keywords: Weisfeld, theoretical articles, film studies concept, film history, “Art of Cinema” journal.

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The relationship between evaluation and self-assessment in the training of future pedagogues

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_172

Marina P. Tselykh

Annotation. The article deals with the issues of relationship between evaluation and self-assessment in the training of future teachers. It was found that the learning process as a complex unity of the teacher and students activities is closely related to aspects and procedures of the evaluation.

It is argued that pedagogical reflection and the self-assessment ability are significant components of professionalism and the key for its formation and further development. It is noted that learning activity can be increased by specially selected types of work and tasks oriented students to the manifestation of independence, self-expression, introspection, as well as involvement in the educational process.

The results of a survey and fragments of assignments in pedagogical disciplines of the students of the pedagogical university became the material for empirical analysis. It is concluded that the creation of correlation conditions between assessment and self-assessment in the learning process, the use of methods focused on the awareness of students of their status as active subjects of cognition, contributes to the formation of pedagogical reflection and involves students in the process of professional formation improving generally the quality of pedagogical education.

As a result, students are able to acquire and develop competencies not only of the reproductive, but also of the reconstructive and research type.

Keywords: self-assessment, pedagogical reflection, professional training of the teacher.

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Strategies for mastering the content of language education using digital technologies by students of technical universities

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_159

Elena M. Kazantseva

Olga A. Kolmakova

Anzhela A. Kazantseva

Nataliya A. Sverdlova

Abstract. These days, in the context of international interaction in various spheres of economics, science, technology and cooperation, the issue of language education for students of technical universities is being actualized.

The subject of the paper is foreign language professionally oriented training, which involves the development of professionally significant skills and abilities, the formation of professional thinking allowing students to take into account the cultural and linguistic diversity of economic and technical systems.

The personality-development content of modern language education determines the emergence of various strategies for its acquisition. They are formed depending on students’ needs and capabilities. What is meant here is a strategy of staying in the content, a step-by-step strategy, a strategy of information exchange, etc.

In this case, these strategies are closely interconnected with one or another paradigm of education, for instance, the scientific-technocratic, humanitarian paradigm and the paradigm of tradition.

Digital technologies are not only a tool but also an environment for existence, which introduces new opportunities for mastering the content of language education: learning at any convenient time, continuous education, the ability to design individual educational routes.

In this regard, it is necessary to modernize the process of professional training, widely introduce digital tools for educational activities and integrate them into the educational environment.

Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of the process it is necessary to determine each strategy that can be used to master language education with the help of digital technologies and identify the principles of learning that should be relied upon when using a particular strategy.

The implementation of the studied strategies in terms of new educational conditions will allow the teachers to integrate them within learning technologies. Using the strategies in an educational process will result in a qualitative breakthrough in the field of language education.

Keywords: language education, engineering education, educational paradigm, educational strategy, digital technologies, individual educational route, professionally oriented training, learning principles..

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Forming family communication values in primary school children in the digital educational environment

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_146

Lyubov V. Bannikova

Viktorya I. Morozova

Abstract. The article addresses the issue of schoolchildren studying from home by means of e-learning platforms and resources. The authors highlight the importance of family communication values, detailing the specifics of their formation, as well as consider effectiveness of online learning platforms such as Moscow Electronic School (MES) in terms of conducting family-themed lessons for primary school students. Special attention is given to textual and visual content of e-lesson scenarios on the topic of family in terms of their design, perception and educational impact on children. The research is based on a socio-cultural methodological approach and relies on a variety of research methods, including literature review, review of didactic materials, synthesis, generalization. The authors specify criteria for analysis of educational materials as well as how family values and examples of positive family interactions as key value orientations of the modern society are presented in digital educational resources. The article emphasizes the need of maintaining a balance between employing learning tools available within the digital educational environment and preserving the role of the teacher as a transmitter of national, individual and universal values and traditions. The study has practical significance as it provides guidelines for effective selection and updating digital educational content for family-themed lessons in primary schools. These guidelines may aid teachers in accumulating online learning resources with certain substantive and procedural characteristics beneficial for promoting a positive image of the family.

Keywords: digital educational environment, family communication, primary school education.

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The key aspects for MOOC design: foreign and domestic experience

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_183

Olga A. Ivanova (Kabanova)

Tetiana N. Bokova

Abstract. Massive open online courses have been gaining their popularity rapidly in the 21st century. Along with beneficial opportunities MOOCs have some drawbacks. The current paper focuses on the experience gained in relation to this issue and attempts to elicit the main aspects of an efficient MOOC design. In order to answer the problematic question raised in the paper there were used such methods as comparative analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, the study of advanced experience. Due to the chosen methods, the key aspects and steps for MOOC design were structured in a table. The researchers have described some of the challenges MOOC creators faced while launching their courses and the authors of the current work list possible solutions to the arising problems on the stage of MOOC design. The paper might interest scholars who study online courses and open education opportunities, MOOC creators as well as their providers.

Keywords: MOOC, online course, MOOC design.

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