Категория: History: Golden pages

Alexander Ivanovich Dulov

UDC 371.485 BBK 74.03(2)

Zhukov K. S.

The article is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the founder and the head of the East Siberian Laboratory of Problems of Moral Education at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. I. Dulov. The centenary of the prominent Soviet, Russian scientist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor A.I. Dulov is an important milestone in the development of pedagogical theory and practice. This anniversary allows you to look back and see the grandiose accomplishments in the development of the national pedagogical science that laid the foundations of modern education in Russia.

Key words: A.I. Dulov, founder, Teacher, scientist, moral education, scientific works.

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The meetings which were lessons and fortune (in Krasnoyarsk)

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Furjaeva T. V.

The article-memoirs concerns the biographical data, content and cooperative pedagogical activity of the author and the famous scientist, the head of the Siberian pedagogical school from 1974 to 1977 A.I. Dulov.

Кeywords: meeting, cooperation, Krasnoyarsk State University, the interconnection of science and practice, networking, moral education, ideas and experience of the past.

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Going through Alexander Dulov’s books. To the centenary of birth

УДК 37.022 ББК 74.03(2)

Stefanovskaya T. A.

The basic scientific researches and scientific-pedagogical activity of a well-known scientist and talented educator form Irkutsk professor A. I. Dulov are analyzed in this article. Alexander Ivanovich’s wide ranged activity is focused on by the author.

Keywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, books, pedagogics, series of lectures, logic-structural course, school supervision, scientific-pedagogical school.

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A. I. Dulov’s pedagogics in the light of our time realities. Philosophical reportage (2001)

UDC 371.485 BBK 74.03(2)

Konoplev N. S.

This text, created during the life of the outstanding Soviet pedagogue A. I. Dulov, concerns the innovations, which the hard-working educator of the younger generation developed in his broad and vivid scientific and practical activities. Over the years it has become obvious that the scientific component of the large-scale phenomenon of A.I. Dulov was aimed at determining the milestones of the transition from a brining-up- educational, i. e, actually pedagogical process to an educational one as the most important condition of a personal, i.e., creatively oriented , self-realization of a modern young man. The spiritual heritage of the veteran of the national science about the emerging new man is waiting for its further development.

Keywords: A.I. Dulov, Soviet pedagogy, a new man, A.I. Dulov’s scientific school, youth culture, engineer of children’s souls, fundamental research program, innovator, education, scientific philosophy, patriotism.

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Does the heart forget it? (the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Ivanovich Dulov)

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Ivanova L. A.

Russian pedagogical science is famous not only for outstanding scientists, teachers-researchers, teachers-practitioners of Moscow and St. Petersburg who are really spectacular and their names are recognized all over the world. Siberia also gave a lot of talented teachers, researchers, scientists, whose creative contribution is significant. One of them is Alexander Ivanovich Dulov, Siberian scientist, remarkable teacher and educator. He was the founder and the permanent director (for over 25 years) of the East Siberian Laboratory of Moral Education problems of the Research Institute of General problems of education of APS of the USSR. The article is devoted to his memory. For his colleagues and students, he remained an absolutely extraordinary Scientist, Teacher, talented propagandist of pedagogical theory and practice, wise mentor, inspired and bright leader of the «School of the Young Scientist».

Keywords: teacher, scientist, mentor, scientific interests, traditions, memory, School of the young scientist, Alexander Ivanovich Dulov.

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Coadaptation approach in modern professional education

UDC 378 BBK 74.48

Amosova O. V.

One of the main Lessons of professional life learned by “students” of Aleksandr Ivanovich Dulov in the “School of Young Scientist” of the East Siberian Center for the Development of Pedagogical Science and Education of the International Teacher’s Training Academy of Science was as follows: the basis of any new pedagogical idea consists in the systematic comprehension of pedagogical experience of predecessors and its correlation with modernity. This Lesson was the basis for the emergence of a co-adaptive approach in pedagogy, which has proved its consistency and efficiency under different conditions of modernization of Russian education over a period of 20 years. The article contains several examples showing possibilities of co-adaptation of the pedagogical doctrine by A.I. Dulov to the modern system of higher and supplementary vocational education.  

Keywords: co-adaptive approach; co-adaptive skills and co-adaptive mobility of a teacher; cycle (impulse) of educational influence according to – A. I. Dulov; «spiral turn» by A.I. Dulov; psychological and pedagogical formula «M-F-B*»/
«M-B-F»//«F-M-B»/F-B-M»//«B+M+F»/«B-F-M» by A.I. Dulov; circuit engineering by A.I Dulov.

* Тhe additional symbols: M – Mind, F – Feelings, B – Behavior

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A teacher is a person who inspires everything in your life… To the centenary of scientist-and-educator’s birth

UDC 37.022 BBK 74.03(2)

Beloborodova A. E.

The 1 of September 2018  is a centenary of the birth of Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, a well-known Siberian scientist, educator and citizen. The author of this article regards on the basic periods of his scientific-pedagogical activity directed to the integration of a science with its practical use. His scientific researches in the field of students’ moral upbringing, technology of school supervision, theory and methods of teaching pedagogics are still actual. Different generations of scientists develop his ideas.

Кeywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, pedagogical heritage, scientist, educator, teacher, pedagogical experience, creative endeavour, pedagogical exellence, scientific quest.

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Teacher’s soul. In memory of ISLU professor Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Sharunov A. I.

The article gives the memories about a French teacher, scientist, colleague, and the brightest person of our time Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina. It reflects some episodes of her private life, a scientific way and heritage.

Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina is an author of numerous scientific articles and books of the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages, an active propagandist of the French language, a skillful organizer and a research supervisor; she rallied around herself creative, purposeful adherents and promoted the development of the Russian science of teaching foreign languages.

Keywords: teacher, scientist, educator, mentor.


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История перевода одного стихотворения

UDC 82:81 BBK 83.3 (2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurieva V. B.

Мой педагогический стаж более 35 лет, работаю всё время на одном месте, сейчас – это ИГЛУ, раньше это был институт иностранных языков, кстати, скоро вуз вновь сменит своё название, станет филиалом МГЛУ и будет называться МГЛУ ЕАЛИ. Многие имена студентов со временем забываются. Но имя одного студента-заочника – Владимира Андреевича Малькова – осталось в моей памяти навсегда. Объясню, почему. Я часто читаю его перевод стихотворения Л. Фюрнберга «Эпилог» своим студентам, хотя и не каждый год (тексты для анализа меняю). В этом году созрела идея публиковать лучшие переводы студентов. Первым, конечно, должен стать перевод В. А. Малькова…

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