Категория: Events

Pedagogical support of social competence development of adolescents with gift-edness demonstration

UDC 378.147-056.45 BBK 74.57

Kazarina V. V.

The article presents the results of the research associated with the elaboration of pedagogical support model of social competence development of adolescents with giftedness demonstration, which is focused not so much on the development and detection of manifestations of giftedness in children and adolescents, as on the realization of their abilities in any activity. The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that the involvement of talented youth in social practice, their informing about potential development opportunities, support of the creative activity of gifted adolescents are defined as priority directions of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation. In General education the solution of these problems is associated with the development of social competence of adolescents with giftedness demonstration.

Key words: adolescents with giftedness demonstration; the social competence development; pedagogical support

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Formative assessment technology as a means of quality assurance of school students’ individual learning success achievements

UDC 373.1 BBK 74.2

Mikhailova E. K.

The article gives the results of the research connected with the working out of the assessment technology that allows ensuring the quality of the school students’ individual learning success achievements. The urgency of the research is defined by the social-economic system reformation, as a result of which in the national educational system there started active processes of modification in the matter of education, forms and methods of monitoring and quality assessment. In school education the solution of these tasks is connected with the making the impartial assessment system of educational quality.

Key words: formative assessment, quality of achievements, complex approach to assessment

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University informational and educational environment as a factor of future teacher’s media competence formation

UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74

Grigoreva I. V.

The results of the research on the problem of university informational and educational environment as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence are presented. A deeper understanding of the existing in the current scientific knowledge area concept «future teacher’s media competence» is given. The author reveals the concept’s essence, works out its structure, rates, formation stages, makes specific the concept “university informational and educational environment” as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence, determines the content of a structure functional example of university informational and educational environment. Methodological support of the formation of future teacher’s media competence in university informational and educational environment has been experimentally tested.

Key words: university informational and educational environment, formation, media education, media competence of a future teacher, example

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