Vorobieva Irina Evgenyevna

E-mail: sparrow.skz@mail.ru

Place of study: Federal state-funded educational institution of the higher education Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

Status: postgraduate, 2nd course of psychology and social pedagogics faculty of Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

Research supervisor: Fedorov A. V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Vice-rector on scientific work of Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

The main publications:

  1. Vorobieva I. E. “Media” term in definition of the modern society // Electronic scientific journal Science and Education: discovering, prospects: content article (theses). Taganrog: Taganrog publishing house of Institute of management and economics. 2016. No. 3. P. 26β€’27.
  2. Vorobieva I. E. Collective discussion with pupils the media texts devoted to works of amateur performers // Mediaeducation. 2016. No. 1. P. 54β€’65