Tkachuk Elena Anatolievna
Place of work:Β Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Russia
Academic degree:Β Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Jobtitle: Chairholder, Chair of Health Protection, Life Safety and Physical Culture Education
Postgraduate specialty: 14.02.01 β Hygienics
The most significant publications:
- Tkachuk E. A. Vospitanie zdorovogo rebenka: sovety pediatra (Kak ocenit’ zdorov’e rebenka): uchebno-metod. posobie / E.A. Tkachuk. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IrGTU, 2009. p. 77. (in Russ.)
- Tkachuk E. A. Problemy ocenki kachestva uchebnyh izdanij: monografija / E. A. Tkachuk. Irkutsk, 2009. p. 95. (in Russ.)