Savchukov Sergey Alekseevich


Place of work: FSBES SSC RF “Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IMBP RAS), Moscow, Russia

Post: Acting supervisor, Laboratory of bioregulation and analysis of complex systems, Department of theoretical problems, RAS, as SRI

Scientific major: general physics

Important publications:

  1. Savchukov S. A. Vzaimootnoshenie gravitacionnogo i jelektromagnit-nogo vzaimodejstvij v astrofizike i ustojchivost’ gravitirujushhih tel // Special’nye issledovanija prostranstva «Problemy sovremennoj fiziki». Vypusk II. Moskva, 1995. S. 71-74; 90. ISSN 0869-6551.
  2. Cetlin V. V. Monitoring okislitel’no-vosstanovitel’nyh reakcij vody na vozdejstvie kosmofizicheskih faktorov / V. V. Cetlin, N. K. Belisheva, V. M. Makeeva, S. S. Mojsa, A. V. Smurov, S. A. Savchukov // Hartija Zemli – prakticheskij instrument reshenija fundamental’nyh problem ustojchivogo razvitija. Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennyj 15-letiju realizacii principov Hartii Zemli v Respublike Tatarstan. Kazan’: Tatarskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 2016. S. 253–255.
