Ostrovskaya Valentina Viacheslavovna

E-mail: ostrovskie@yandex.ru

Place of work:Β Service for Control and Supervision in the sphere of Education of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree:Β Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Jobtitle:Β Deputy director. Service for Control and Supervision in the sphere of Education of the Irkutsk region.

Areas of scientific interest:Β Methods of Teaching Literature in the seniour stages

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.02 – Theory and Teaching/Education Methodology (Literature)Β 

The most significant publications:

1. Ostrovskaja, V. V. Rol’ filologicheskoj germenevtiki v postizhenii chitateljami – starsheklassnikami sovremennoj prozy / V. V. Ostrovskaja // Nauka i shkola. 2007. β„– 6. S. 63-64. (in Russ.)

2. Ostrovskaja, V. V. Chitat’ ili ne chitat’? / V. V. Ostrovskaja// Opyt, problemy i perspektivy filologicheskogo i jesteticheskogo obrazovanija: vnedrenie FGOS nachal’nogo i osnovnogo obshhego obrazovanija / V. V. Ostrovskaja // Materialy regional’noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii v ramkah oblastnogo foruma Β«Obrazovanie Priangar’ja 2012Β». Irkutsk: IIPKRO, 2012. S. 99-108. (in Russ.)

3. Ostrovskaja V. V. Materialy dlja diagnostiki metapredmetnyh rezul’tatov obuchajushhihsja: Literatura, 8 klass / V. V. Ostrovskaja // Metapredmetnyj podhod kak odna iz sostavljajushhih standartov vtorogo pokolenija. Irkutsk: IIPKRO, 2013. S. 44-57.(in Russ.)