Nguyen Minh Giang
Place of work: Le Quy Don Technical University , Hanoi, Vietnam
Academic degree, academic status: 05.12.04 − Candidate of Technical Sciences
Post: teacher
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Radiotechnics, including television systems and devices
Scientific major: radio waves propagation
Important publications:
1. Agaryshev A.I. Metod rascheta uglov prihoda dekametrovyh ra-diovoln v gorizontal’no-neodnorodnoj rasseivajushhej ionosfere / A.I. Agaryshev, N.M. Zhang // Izvestija VUZov. Fizika. 2016. № 12/3. S. 41 – 45.
2. Agaryshev A.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie uglovyh harak-teristik dekametrovyh radiovoln s uchetom reguljarnyh i sluchajnyh neod-norodnostej ionosfery / A.I. Agaryshev, N.M. Zhang // Uspehi sovremennoj radiojelektroniki. 2017. № 12. S. 165 –168.