Mindeeva Svetlana Vilsurovna
E-mail: pasha15032007@yandex.ru
Place of work: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education of the Irkutsk State Railway Transport Engineering University, Irkutsk, Russia
Post: senior teacher of mathematics department
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education
Scientific major: mathematics, econometrics, pedagogics, media education.
Important publications:
- Mindeeva S. V. Vzgljad na fenomen «Mediaobrazovanie» cherez prizmu ponjatijnogo apparata pedagogiki [Tekst] / S. V. Mindeeva // Vestnik IrGTU. 2012. № 6. S. 181−186.
- Mindeeva S. V. Nekotorye aspekty primenenija mul’timedijnoj prezentacii na zanjatijah po matematike v vuze [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. 2012. № 6. URL: http://www.science-education.ru/106-8067
- Mindeeva S. V. Mediaobrazovanie: k probleme sistematizacii nauch-noj terminologii [Tekst] / S. V.Mindeeva // Vestn. Tom. gos. un-ta. 2013. № 367. S. 154–157.
- Mindeeva S. V. Mediakompetentnost’ kak sostavljajushhaja professional’noj kompetentnosti budushhego inzhenera [Tekst] / S. V.Mindeeva // Vestnik IrGTU. 2015. № 3(98). S. 277−281.