Maslova Irina Alekseevna


Place of work: Prioksky state university, Orel, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Economics, professor

Academic status: Full professor

Post: professor of accounting and taxation department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Β 08.00.12 – Accounting, statistics, 08.00.10 βˆ’ Finance, monetary circulation and credit

Scientific major: regulation and standardization of rules to conduct accounting and form reporting data according to the International standards of financial statements; registration and analytical ensuring of social and sectoral budgetary support on the basis of cost streams

Important publications:
  1. Maslova, I.A. Investicii kak jekonomicheskaja kategorija i osnova investicionnoj dejatel’nosti / I.A. Maslova // Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. – 2014. – β„–Β 3 (266). – S. 22-27.
  2. Maslova, I.A. Osobennosti primenenija trebovanij MSFO pri vedenii uchjota i sostavlenija otchetnosti po kapital’nym vlozhenijam / I.A. Maslova // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2012. – β„– 4. – S. 91.