Malov Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education “National Research Irkutsk State Technical University”
Academic degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Jobtitle: professor, Chair of Quantum Physics and Nanotechnologies
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 01.04.01 – Instruments and Methods of Experimental Physics
Scientific major: holography, laser nanotechnologies, laser biophysics and medicine
Important publications:
- Sherstyuk V.V., Malov A.N., Maloletov S.M., Kalinkin V.V. Some principles for formation of self-developing dichromate media. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging. 1989. T. 1238. C. 218.
- Vygovsky Yu.N., Konop S.P., Malov A.N., Malov S.N. Photoinduced phase transitions in hologram recording in layers of dichromated gelatin. Lasers Physics. 1998. T 8. №4. C. 901 – 915.