Malov Aleksandr Nikolaevich


Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education “National Research Irkutsk State Technical University”

Academic degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Jobtitle: professor, Chair of Quantum Physics and Nanotechnologies

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  01.04.01 – Instruments and Methods of Experimental Physics

Scientific major: holography, laser nanotechnologies, laser biophysics and medicine

Important publications:
  1. Sherstyuk V.V., Malov A.N., Maloletov S.M., Kalinkin V.V. Some principles for formation of self-developing dichromate media. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging. 1989. T. 1238. C. 218.
  2. Vygovsky Yu.N., Konop S.P., Malov A.N., Malov S.N. Photoinduced phase transitions in hologram recording in layers of dichromated gelatin. Lasers Physics. 1998. T 8. №4. C. 901 – 915.

