Kodubec Natal’ja Viktorovna

Email: natalya_viktorovna@kodubets.ru

Place of work: Municipal Autonomous General Education Institution, Educational Center № 47, Irkutsk, Russia

Jobtitle: Teacher of the English language

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Postgraduate Specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education

Areas of scientific interest: media education, media literacy development

The most significant publications:
  1. Kodubec (Zmanovskaja) N.V. Praktikum po formirovaniju media-kommunikativnoj obrazovannosti uchitelja: metod. Rekomendacii. Irkutsk, 2004. 53s.
  2. Kodubec (Zmanovskaja) N.V. Gipertekst i ego vozmozhnosti v organizacii processa obuchenija studentov − budushhih uchitelej // Voprosy pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija: mezhvuzovskij sbornik statej. Irkutsk: IPKRO, 2004. Vyp. 13. S. 61−69.