Yamusheva (Grigoreva) Irina Valerievna
E-mail: grigorjn2008@rambler.ru
Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Linguistic University / Eurasian Linguistic Institute. Irkutsk, Russia
Jobtitle: Deputy Head of the Department of multimedia and technologies (E-learning)
Areas of scientific interest: University informational and educational environment. Media education at high school. Media competence of a future teacher
Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education
The most significant publications:
- Grigoreva I. V. Interpretacija ponjatija «mediaobrazovatel’noe prostranstvo»: k probleme sistematizacii nauchnoj terminologii / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik TGU RF. 2008. № 315. S. 198-201. (in Russ.)
- Grigoreva I. V. Virtual’nyj metodicheskij kabinet prepodavatelja — strategicheskij mehanizm organizacii mediaobrazovatel’nogo prostranstva sovremennogo vuza / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik IGLU RF. 2011. № 3 (15). S. 184-191.(in Russ.)
- Grigoreva I. V. Ot mediaobrazovatel’nogo prostranstva vuza – k mediakompetentnosti budushhego pedagoga / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik IrGTU RF. 2012. № 5. T. 64. S. 280-287. (in Russ.)