Esimova Zhuldyz Dapenovna
Place of work: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty. Kazakhstan
Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Academic status: Associate professor
Jobtitle: Deputy Dean on scientific and innovate activities and the international co-operation. Faculty of Philology, Literature Study and World Languages
Areas of scientific interest: Lexicology and Phraseology of the Kazakh language, Lingvoculturology and Text Linguistics.
Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.02 – Languages of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
The most significant publications:
- Есімова Ж.Д. Қазаға қатысты қолданылатын сөздердегі діни лексика. Алматы.: ҚазҰУ, 2013. 16 б. (in Kaz.)
- Esimova Zh.D. Jetnolingvisticheskoe opisanie paremij, ispol’zuemyh v obrjadovoj tradicii pohoron. Rossija, 2013. ( (in Russ.)
- Esimova Zh.D. Opredelenie jevfemizmov v trudah rossijskih uchenyh. Almaty-Kemerovo-Vitebsk-Doneck. 2013. 62 s. (in Russ.)
- Есімова Ж.Д. Жоқтау өлеңдерінің көнелік сипаты. Алматы.: ҚазҰУ, 2013. 59 с. (in Kaz.)