Afanasy Nikitich Antipin

Afanasy Nikitich Antipin was born in the city of Kirensk in the Irkutsk region. He participated in the World War II. His bravery was marked with military medals. After the discharge Afanasy Nikitich started to teach Geography in the Kirensk eight-year school. In 1956, he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of the Irkutsk state university named after A. A. Zhdanov with honours. That time the young teacher worked hard and centered on his self-education. In his article «Not to be bankrupt», A.N. Antipin claims about his credo «Become a teacher. Every day. As long as you are a teacher!»

A.N. Antipin succeeded in studying the problems of the collective education, considering collective and individual in unity and paid a lot of attention to the teacher’s individual work on the individual formation.

In 1965 he was awarded the honorary title of «Honored teacher of the Russian Social Federative Republic». In 1960 Afanasy Nikitich was nominated to the post of the director of the Irkutsk teacher’s training institute.

The new opportunities for creative teaching were given. That time he published his articles concerning class teacher’s working, family education, school management improvement as well as children’s moral education.

His article for children and teenagers «What do you know about yourself?» and another publication on the family education problems «Do we know our children?» are worth of attention.

Having great pedagogical experience, outstanding methodological skills, great erudition in a sphere of education, A. N. Antipin carried on propaganda on pedagogical knowledge.

He contributed to the studying, summarizing and distribution of the pedagogical experience.